use "C:\Users\nojko\Dropbox\My PC (DESKTOP-35V8EGV)\Documents\EMUPP_2021\Mikroekonometrija_2021\keane 87.dta" *** Multinominal LOGIT mlogit status educ expser black, base(1) ***Reporting relative-risk ratios mlogit, rrr mlogit status educ expser black, robust mlogit, rrr mlogit status educ expser black, robust *** Compute the predicted probability at the regressors' means for each outcome margins, atmeans *** Compute the average marginal effect of each regressor on the probability of each of the outcomes 1-3 margins,dydx(*)predict(outcome(1))predict(outcome(2))predict(outcome(3)) ***Predict probabilities of outcome 1,2,3 for estimation sample predict pr* *** ili predict p1 if e(sample), outcome(1) predict p2 if e(sample), outcome(2) predict p3 if e(sample), outcome(3) ***Display summary statistics of p1 summarize p1 *** Table of classification mlogit status educ expser black, base(1) tokenize `e(eqnames)' gen stathat = cond(pr1 == max(pr1,pr2,pr3), `1', cond(pr2 == max(pr1,pr2,pr3), `2', `3')) if e(sample) tab status stathat